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Go-For-It Grandma ANNOUNCES...

Recurring Revenue from ROOFERS!

So, What Was My Plan?
Use These 60 Completely Done-For-You Social Media Images On ANY Of Your Roofing Clients' Facebook Pages And Bank $99-$199 Per Month!

NO Theory, No Pie-In-The Sky! 

AND, I'm Giving You All the Material & ALL the Detailed Training to Have You Up and Rolling in Just a Couple Hours!

How Do I Know This Works? 


Most of you know I service mostly Home Services businesses,

and Roofers in particular.

SO...I'm always trying to find these things:

1. A Great Foot-In-The-Door Service to Get New Clients

2. A Great New Add-On Service for My Current Clients that Requires Almost NO WORK!

3. Something to Sell to Any Roofer Whether or Not They Are My Client for Higher Paying Services!

(And many times, they DO come back for other services after seeing this quality service.)

Drumroll...Social Posting on Autopilot!
Stop Wasting YOUR Time and Money Creating Social Media Images Yourself and Start Using This High-Quality PLR Package Today...

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce ut elementum elit. Nulla pharetra sem id nisi ornare, eget porta eros vehicula. Morbi vel nisl finibus, porta lacus eget, lobortis enim. Vivamus laoreet ligula ut ipsum sagittis lobortis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam vitae enim vitae augue pretium rutrum non eget ex. Vestibulum a tellus a turpis condimentum sodales et et odio. Nam iaculis dignissim nunc ut fermentum.

  • Hi, I'm the Roofing Marketing Granny who used to do SEO for Roofing Companies. They pay BIG money!

    I gave up the high-ticket SEO grind two years ago. 

    Well…I’ve figured out a GREAT way to get a Foot-In-The-Door by offering a REALLY hot

    service that will absolutely WOW a roofing company.  

    Of course, if you already have roofing clients, you can add on some extra money for providing this service.

    It’s set-and-forget and I don’t exaggerate that claim! 

    OR, you could find roofing companies who have Facebook pages that just need

    some attention and collect an easy $99-$199/mo.

    So, I’ve given you THREE ways to use this package of graphics to pad your pockets!  

    Get instant access to these completely done-for-you Facebook images and start earning! 

    Oh wait…You might be thinking you don’t like social media and don’t have time to do all this

    posting every day…I’m smiling at that one because I thought the same thing!

    There are social posting softwares that will auto-post for about $30/month. OR - I can set you up with my posting service, with a Set-and-Forget method, for only a few bucks more!

    It’s 100% true – I’ve been doing this for a couple other niches for the better part of a year, and

    I haven’t touched those accounts in many months. And yet, when I go to their Facebook pages…

    my graphics are being posted every day (and twice a day if I set it up that way). Their automatic

    payments come in every month into my QuickBooks account. No one has canceled!  

    The reason they don’t cancel is that it’s a small enough fee to fly under the “budget radar”

    and it’s proven to boost Facebook engagement by over 1000x.   

    Let’s do some math… 

    If you charge $150/mo. and you get just 25 clients (EASY to do!)…look at these profits!  

    25 clients = $3750 

    50 clients = $7500 

    And folks, this is recurring revenue WITH NO WORK after the initial set up!  

    For the auto poster software, you can put 25 clients on one account for about $30/mo.  

    This could quite possibly be the easiest and highest net profit of anything you’ve EVER done!  

    Do you hate creating the content even though you know it's absolutely necessary?

    Believe it or not, there is actual work that needs to be done when you provide

    digital marketing services to business owners.

    And it's no joke!

    I can personally attest...Doing the same task over and over again can drive you absolutely nuts.

    Stop the rat race of having to create image after image and having to do it over

    and over again for client after client. That's no fun!  

    Which is why I am so thrilled to share with you the easiest, best and highest quality way to use

    plug-in-play digital assets for your clients without you having to do any of the work!

    And no, I'm not kidding... Almost 100% of the work is completely done-for-you.

    And it's done at a professional level.

    What you're about to discover is an easy way for you to have completely done-for-you

    social media images for the Roofers niche.

    This solely exists because one day it dawned on me that what I had created for one

    of my clients could easily be used for others as well.

    And there was nothing like this available!

    So I worked my fingers to the bone. I figured there had to be a better way.

    Which led me to here at this very page, this very letter, and even this very sentence as I type it.

    Before you take a look at everything you'll be getting with this system here's a little more about me...

    Why you should listen to me...

    Hi, my name is Jeanne Kolenda...

    I've been a successful local business consultant since 2010.

    I have firsthand knowledge of what you need in order to be successful and I keep my finger

    on the pulse of what's working NOW!

    I take a great deal of pride in my work and ONLY offer the highest quality

    products/services to both my own clients and to you.


    *​Get 60 Brand New High-Quality Social Media Images

    *Formatted Perfectly for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and GMB in 1080x1080 .JPG

    *Absolutely No Design Skills or PhotoShop Experience Required

    *Just Add Your Client's Logo (Completely Optional)

    Three Ways to Profit From These Social Media Assets:

  • GREAT way to build a business totally focused on Social Posting.

    GREAT Foot-In-The-Door strategy to close roofing clients for any other services you want to offer.

    An AWESOME addition if you're already serving roofing clients.

  • Your Clients Will Love This Service So Much, They'll Stick With You Long Term!

    How Do I Know?

    Because NO ONE Has Cancelled With Me In Over Two Years!

    What people say...

    Edward J.

    "When we started up here in the Dallas area 5 years ago, we turned to Jeanne Kolenda. She literally put us “on the map.” I don’t even blink when that monthly payment gets processed automatically."

    Jon M.

    "As an owner of an SEO and Marketing firm, I’ve always depended on Jeanne’s training and content to be helpful to me. I’ve reviewed the new material for Roofer Roundup, and found it to be yet another feather in her cap! Well done!"

    What You're Getting Today with 

    Instant Download...

    60 Beautiful Roofing Images!  

  • You Can Start Selling This Service In Just Hours!

    Both online and offline businesses will happily pay you $99 to $199 per month without blinking an eye! 

    I've shown you I speak from EXPERIENCE - this is NOT just theory!

    It doesn't get any better - or easier than this!

    When You Sign Up Today, You'll Also Get Access To To These Bonuses...

    Bonus #1 - 100 Ready To Use Eye-catching and Inspirational Images in JPG Formats. 

    Bonus #2 - Private Facebook Group

    Inside you'll get direct access to Jeanne, as well as our crew of active members who regularly provide support, motivation and keep everyone on track to grow their business.

    Why Am I Doing This For Such A Low, One-Time Fee?

    As I said before, there are so many roofers who need this service, I couldn't possibly service them all.

    Frankly, I've been in your shoes with hopes of building a successful online income stream. There's no need for me to hog this information to myself. Together, we can help more business owners find success while you and I enjoy the freedom of growing our online businesses as well.

    It's a win-win for everyone! 

    So Click On That Buy Button & Get Started – I can't wait for you to join me in this exciting new venture! I’ll be with you every step of the way. 

    (Hey, isn't that what GRANDMAs like me are for?!)

    Here's What To Do Next...

    Please note: The price you see below now is subject to change. I cannot guarantee that if you come back later, the same price will be available.

    The only way to guarantee that you can take advantage of this lowest possible price is to take immediate action now.

    As soon as you click the ‘buy now’ button on this page, you will get instant access to the roofing images.  

    Oh, and in case you’re wondering …

    There's Absolutely No Catch!

    There’s NO Hidden “Continuity Program” you have to try … or anything even remotely like that.  

    I’m giving you this entire product, FOR THE LOW PRICE YOU SEE ON THIS PAGE, as a means of “putting my best foot forward” and demonstrating real over-the-top value.  

    My hope is that you’ll love it and this will be the start of a great business relationship for years to come.  

    What About The Money Back Guarantee?

    On this page you've seen the quality of the images. There are no surprises.

    Given the nature of the product, we do not provide a money back guarantee.

    So please make sure you can and will use it before purchasing. 

    We prefer working with serious marketers who know the value of a Done-For-You product like this, and are serious about building a Micro-Service offering in your business. 

    Before we let you go, we want to send out a BIG THANK YOU for reading this letter. 

    We’re truly excited for you to get started with these additional assets for you and your clients and see the results.  

    Get 60 Roofing Social Media Images PLUS The Amazing Bonuses

    Are there a lot of people offering these social media images?

    Unbelievably, NO! Most marketing companies are doing the

    posts manually and curating content.

     Do businesses need me to provide them with my social media images?

    Absolutely! Most business owners don’t know where to begin and even if they know, they don’t have the time to post to their own accounts.

     How much time does this take?

    It will take you a few hours to initially set everything up for each

    client you have, and then that's it! And if you really want to

    get rolling FAST, use our new DFY Service! 


     Do I need any employees?

    No - unless you want some help. That's entirely up to you. I

    suggest you don't get any help until you have enough

    sales/clients or want to venture into different niches.

     Why are selling this for so little?

    If it weren't for other great products I've purchased in the

    past at such reasonable prices, I wouldn't be where I am

    today. I really want to help folks like yourself and give you

    the best deal possible so you can attain similar success. 

     How much can I make in the first 30 days?

    I CANNOT and WILL NOT guarantee any income you may or

    may not make - and anyone who does is someone you should run

    far, far away from! That's because how much you make depends

    on you and the amount of effort you put in. I CAN tell you that any business owners you add to your group will pay month-after-month,

    year-after-year for your digital marketing expertise.

     If I have any additional questions, how can I contact you?

    After your purchase, you'll have access to my 24/7 support desk.

    AND, you'll be part of an awesome private Facebook Group with

    lots of smart folks who are very willing to help answer questions

    and toss around ideas for marketing.

    Content Paid and Sponsored by: Local Content Depot


    **This page receives compensation for clicks on or purchase of products featured on this site.

    *Earnings and income representations made by Jeanne Kolenda - Local Content Depot and their advertisers/sponsors (collectively, "Roofing Edition") are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. These results are not typical and results will vary. The results on this page are OUR results and from years of testing. We can in NO way guarantee you will get similar results The sales figures stated above are our personal sales figures and those of students that worked extremely hard. Please understand my results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). I have the benefit of doing internet marketing for 8+ years, and have an established following as a result. The average person who follows any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, this is not for you.